Elder Voice Family Advocates is the only advocacy group that defends and protects elders and vulnerable adults living in long-term care. We would not be here without the help of our members, their families, and the many individuals who testified, wrote emails, and came to legislative hearings.
We would like to say a special thank you to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), their teams, and our elected officials who worked tirelessly to pass this important legislation. Learn more
Jan Malcolm & team
Commissioner, MDH
Marie Dodseth & team
Former Assistant Commissioner
Lindsey Krueger & team
Director Office of Health Facility Complaints, MDH
Mark Schulz
Interim Reconsideration and Policy Manager | Health Regulation Division, MDH
Authors of Legislation
Senator Karin Housley
Rep. Jennifer Schultz
Special Thank You
Senator Scott Dibble
Senator John Marty
Rep. Ginny Klevorn
Rep. Tina Liebling
Rep. Liz Olson
and all legislators who voted for the Elder Care Reform Bill
Research Sponsor
Stevens Square
Critical Funding Support
Morgan Family Foundation
Stevens Square Foundation
St. Joan of Arc, Women’s Foundation
Minneapolis Foundation
MN Foundation
Otto Bremer Foundation